Monday, April 26, 2010

Hamilton ... StarJam is HERE!

A brilliant Saturday in Hamilton saw about 200 people turn out to support StarJam in the Waikato. Deputy Mayor Pippa Mahood was very kind in her introduction and welcome and a little birdy tells me she will be checking in on some of the workshops as the term progresses. Thank you for your support Pippa!
Doug Arcus & Gay Shirley from the DV Bryant Trust, MP Tim MacIndoe, Sandra Larsen from Trust Waikato, Denise Harding from the WEL Energy Trust and representatives from many of the organisations that have been so welcoming to us came along to watch our Auckland Jammers welcome the Hamilton crew to the StarJam family in true StarJam style.
The Velvets, the Magic Movers and Ben Matthews entertained the crowd and then everyone got up on their feet for a Dance Jam that almost brought the house down!
A big thank you to everyone who made the day possible and good luck to our brand new Waikato Jammers for the start of your workshops this week.

xx Team StarJam

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Happenings

A bit of a chill in the air in the morning signals that Winter is just around the corner folks. Seems like just yesterday it was bikinis and barbeques!

Here at the StarJam office we are counting the days until our Hamilton launch on Saturday April 24th.
We have a joyful display up at the Hamilton Library,
our new Waikato Co-ordinator, Karen, is in place and we have a bunch of young people enrolled in new work
shops which begin April 26th.

At StarJam we try to make sure we thank all the fabulous people that help us every day with a host of different things.

So we were delighted to receive our own little 'thank you' card from Jammer Katrina, thanking the team for something we recently helped her out with. Thanks K!

But wait, there's more ... back in December, our CEO & Founder Julie Bartlett was nominated as a 'Local Hero'
in the 2010 NZer of the Year Awards. While Julz didn't quite make it to the finals in the face of some pretty tough competition, just last week she and a handful of other Aucklanders were presented with medals in recognition of their achieve-ments in the community. Way to go Julz!

So ...... roll on the end of the month when we are looking forward to more of the awesome hospitality that the Hamilton community has already shown us!

xx Team StarJam

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