Sunday, August 12, 2012

Awesome flashmob video trending viral

A hundred young people with disabilities surprised thousands of shoppers at Auckland’ Syliva Park shopping mall on Saturday 9th June by performing to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way. In less than 6 weeks, these youngsters perfected their dance by watching the choreography on a Youtube video. They gave their performance after only one combined rehearsal which was staged in the early hours of Saturday before the shopping mall opened. The performers, known as Jammers, who travelled from as far as Wellington New Zealand, to participate in the flash mob are enrolled in StarJam’s weekly performance workshop programmes. This video is attracting significant views even soon after posting on Youtube. Please feel free to share it

1 comment:

  1. this video is all over (lady gaga's website and gaga fans around the world are urging her to see it tweeting it posting it on her page ect hope she sees it good luck guys awesome job :)

