Thursday, October 14, 2010

StarJam Reaches Hamilton

As may or may not know StarJam opened their doors in Hamilton. Offering children in the region the chance to attend performance programs that will enrich their lives and potential lend motivation and inspiration to others. The following is a list of endorsements for StarJam

Hamilton Deputy Mayor Pippa Mahood assisting Hamilton Jambassador Anthony Jellyman to cut the ribbon at StarJam launch in the Waikato on 24 April 2010.
Hamilton Deputy Mayor Pippa Mahood
assisting Hamilton Jambassador Anthony
Jellyman to cut the ribbon at StarJam launch
in the Waikato on 24 April 2010.

What a lovely event! I so enjoyed the fun. The sheer exuberance of all the wonderful young people that you brought down to Hamilton to demonstrate what opportunities there are to develop their talents and skills for life.
There were a lot of Waikato children who were present who could make great use of StarJam's services, and it was clear by the end of the afternoon that their inhibitions and shyness had evaporated, and they were ready to go!
To have that ability to strike a chord so quickly, proves to me that your wonderful organisation has got it right.
It was a privilege to be there, and wish you all the very bestfor the future. Keep on Jamming!!

Pippa Mahood Deputy Mayor, Hamilton City Council


Your Hamilton StarJam course has delivered some exciting benefits for our son 'Te Rau Aroha'
Firstly, at 14, this is his first teenage social activity. Every week he clearly announces he is going to Star Jam - another step forward in his language expression. He has made friends with boys and girls in his age group and the culture of the group has encouraged him to socialise and communicate within the group. This has had the effect of him repeating the positive and appropriate social behaviors at home, with friends and at school. You are teaching him manners!
Then there's the skill development and the associated disciplines he is exploring. He has always been a dancer, but this new environment has formalised his interest. He practices moves at home and we have a new activity to do together as a family. Not only that, he is attacking his music with a new focus and discipline, using the habits you have taught him. He maintains his focus for longer periods of time.
But for us, most of all, is that he has found something that engages him & that he really, really enjoys, that is an exciting learning environment that gives him incentives to learn in his everyday life and that is an "Outside" activity that expands his world and builds his self confidence and social skills.
Thank you from two very happy parents who believe that your program is excellent because of your clearly defined limits, your well structured program and your brilliant and responsive course leader!
Rose & Mike Kennedy

I would like to express my thanks and tell how important StarJam has become to my daughter Kate.
Due to the lack of after school activities for children/young adults with disabilities StarJam has opened a new world for Kate, this is an activity that she can take part in and achieve results unlike mainstream activities where children with disabilities attend but do not necessarily achieve as the activites are far above their capabilities.
Since attending StarJam:

  • Kate has become confident with attending especially with the fact she does not have any
  • of her peers attending with her.
  • The dance workshop has helped improve Kate's balance no end.
  • She has been able to be part of an activity that is designed for her and where she has a sense of achievement
  • She just loves its and that is really what is important at the end of the day.
  • Kate was very proud of herself after attending the last monthly get together where the different workshops performed there routines and is looking forward to performing in the end of the year show and has told everyone she knows about it.

Thank you to the StarJam crew for your time and patience to help our kids achieve and to have a fantastic time.
Roze Gilmore

Thanks so much for bringing StarJam to Hamilton! It is truly amazing to witness the change to y son Jaezers life and that of the many other 'Jammers' who attend your workshops in Hamilton. Jaezer is 'soo' excited being able to attend the weekly workshops and monthly gatherings where he can 'show off' his newly acquired talents. He has gained so much confidence, independence and happiness - and in his own words:

"cool fun, fun, fun, so many new friends, thank you mum, me a happy star now! I'm special"
Through all of this Jaezer has gained among the other attributes, 'motivation' which is great.
Thanks again with much appreciation.
Jacqui Baraket

My son Calais is enrolled in the groovy guitar workshops. Unfortunately we are going to have to withdraw at this stage as the travelling is taking quite a bit out of him each week and being that he is only 5yrs old it ends up be quite a late night by the time we get back to Tauranga. He has thoroughly enjoyed the term and a half he's attended thus far though (he has been unwell the last 2 weeks so we haven't made it to Hamilton).
I just want to thank both the Waikato and Auckland team for the amazing Loren, bottom left, with some of the Jammers who attend her performance workshop experiences that are provided by the organisation for children like my son. We would certainly like to re-enrol him maybe next year when he is a little older as he's had such a great time.
Please pass on our thanks and appreciation to Jason and Hannah for the wonderful support they have given to Calais. I have been impressed week after week by their patience and encouragement shown towards all the Jammers. Calais confidence has grown so much due to their involvement - I was amazed when 2 weeks ago Calais took his guitar to Kindergarten (and I took mine at his request) to show his teachers the groovy guitar version of "we will rock you". So many children and parents started to watch him that we were asked to do it in front the whole kindergarten at mat time. Calais was so proud and they took a video of his performance - this is a huge achievement for him as he was not previously comfortable in group situations let alone willing to perform in front of a large group.
Once again, thank you thank you thank you to all involved with StarJam.
Heidi and Calais Janes


When I joined StarJam back in 2007 as a Jammer I had no idea that in 2010 I would be a tutor helping other young people with disabilities realize that anything is possible. It has been both challenging and exciting and an absolute joy to be able to put something back into an organisation that has given me so much.
It has been an absolute joy to work with one very shy and quiet boy who joined my dance workshop. He made it clear from the start that he enjoyed the workshops, however I got the impression that he was not learning the moves of the dance the group was learning. I left him to do his own 'dance' in the belief that as long as he was happy and as it did not seem to matter to the others in the group, there was no need to disrupt the overall 'flow and energy' of the group to try and change the situation. On the last week of the first term the Jammers were going to perform the dance that they had learnt for their parents and caregivers. To my total surprise he performed the dance perfectly. Both his parents and I were overcome with joy of his performance, but what was more touching was to see how proud he was with himself.
Another boy in my workshop uses a wheelchair and has very limited arm movement. During reach workshop there is a section where each Jammer is encouraged to dance solo and receive encouragement and positive feedback from the rest of the group. This boy never volunteered himself, so after a couple of weeks I asked him if he just wanted to bring his favourite song for usall to dance to. He agreed and promised me that he would bring it next week. When the next week came, he not only had his song but told me that he wanted to do a solo dance for us. I could not describe what it was like to watch! The dance was amazing! He wowed the whole group with his new found confidence so much, it was hard to believe how he refused to do it before!
Observing experiences like these reminds me how important it is for me to be a part of the amazing family that StarJam is. It encourages me to not only put my all into the workshops as a tutor but also my all into every area of life, just as the Jammers in my workshop are doing.
Loren Corbett

Groovy Guitar Workshop
Hamilton's Groovy Guitar workshop with 5year old Calais Janes sitting in the front row of the photograph.

Well that's all for today folks! Hope you learned a little more about what StarJam means to not just the Children who partake but the entire family AND the people who take the classes.

I will leave with the usual request! Don't forget to hit the 'Like' Button to support us on Facebook plus go ahead and follow us on Twitter!

Why don't you go ahead and post this blog to your Facebook wall and share the love and spread the word about Money for Jam!! Go on, it feels good to share :)

Em ❤

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